Dear Son I'm Shocked That You Prefer Half-Nvde Girls To Virtuous Ones - RMD Pens Down Open Letter To Son

Nollywood star who has been tagged the sexiest grand PA Richard Mofe-Damijo took to his gram to express concerns and voice out his fears for the male youths of this days. He said that he is frightened by the kinds of things that inspire and motivate young guys of nowadays.

He said that he was troubled because the kind of girls that guys find attractive these days are the semi-naked ones instead of the ‘virtuous/brilliant’ ones.

The actor bared his mind in an heart-felt note he addressed to all the youths who regarded him as their father. See what qHe wrote on gram.....

TAG A SON… Dear Son, I'm writing to you today because there is no day "internationally" set aside for the“boy child" , so, tired of looking on in horror as you constantly shock and embarrass me, this is from daddy to you.

I'm shocked at how many of you carry yourselves here on social media. I am shocked at the things you L O L at. I am worried at the way you speak to and about women.

I am frightened at the kinds of things that inspire and motivate you.

I am concerned that the women who get your attention are not the virtuous, brilliant types but the frivolous party, skimpily clad ones.
I am disappointed to see that the pictures you fall over yourselves double tapping are not the inspirational quotes or of clean, beautiful modest women but of women with their breasts, thighs and bottoms spilling over.

I cringe at how many of you blatantly use swear and curse words at women like it makes you cool.

I am distraught to see that many of you insinuate that a man who loves and stays with one woman is a wimp, that a man who publicly displays and speaks about his love for his woman is a “jew man”, that a man who is more interested in deeply spiritual and intellectual pursuits should be shamed…

I am worried son, deeply worried. My dear son, being uncouth, indecent, unintelligent is NOT cool and contrary to what you think, the man who stays on social media looking for Unclad ladies to validate, smart people to shame, brilliant people to tear down, celebrities to attack are NOT men but little boys battling low self esteem issues.

A real man loves God and is not ashamed to show it. He loves and respects women. He does not ask for nudes and if any misguided woman sends him her nudes respectfully deletes it and not use it as a blackmailing tool. A real man reads, yes, he reads a lot. He picks his mentors wisely, thinks before he speaks and reads his comments over and over before he hits send.

Dear son, do not let the “anonymity” of social media make you a fool rather use it to shine and be kind, reasonable and sensible at all times because that is the man I desire to see you be. Love, Daddy #RMDSaysSo

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