Woman Pushed Another Woman Infront of a moving train Over A Little Disagreement

A 30 -year -old Melanie Liverpool woman and a 49 years old Connie Watson were engaged in an arguement when the 30 years old woman Melanie Liverpool pushed the unsuspecting victim Connie infront of a moving subway train in New York.

An eye Witness told the Police that they were both standing on the downtown platform of the train arguing when all of a sudden , Watton was shoved onto the tracks at around 1 . 20 pm and pronounced dead on the scene shortly afterwards .

Metropolitan Transportation Authority worker said Liverpool -Turner looked ‘ proud ’ as she was led away by police officers .
One witness said she saw Turner get arrested. She said :‘ About five minutes ago , 20 police officers escorted her out’ . ‘ Her head was up , kinda proud of what she did .’

Liverpool -Turner lied and told authorities she pushed a German college student to her death last month , even though police concluded the 19 - year-old had committed suicide. Liverpool -Turner underwent a psychiatric exam at Bellevue Hospital, and police sources told the New York Post she has a history of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia .

William Aubry , the police department 's chief of Manhattan detectives , said investigators were reviewing surveillance video and interviewing witnesses to determine a motive .

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