Finally Di'ja Unveils Reasons Behind Her SECRET WEDDING And Why She Never Talked About It

Mavin Star, Hadiza Salma Blell, better known by her stage name Di’Ja, has revealed the reasons why she had a secret wedding and why she never posted any pictures of her husband on social media.

In an interview with a prominent daily, Di'ja explained that she has nothing to hide about her husband, but she is only someone who is very bad at posting pictures on social media as she is not a camera freak and that her husband is a private person and doesn't like all the paparazzi things.

In her words: “Even before we got married he is a very private person, and I actually believe in respecting people’s zones until they are ready. We are not hiding anything, we actually go to events together and do stuff together. I just like enjoying the moment.

“I am actually very bad at doing the posting thing. I don't know if you have noticed, it was until recently that I started doing selfies. That was when people were like, Di'ja, why are you not doing selfies? So not long ago, I did my very first mirror selfie, (Laughs).

Speaking concerning her low key wedding she said; ”It was more of an intimate wedding. It was also in my home town, Kaduna. So it's kind of hard to get people to come over there.

Kaduna is not as ‘noisy’ as Lagos. So anything like that could be probably called low key, but like i said, most of these things are happening but, I just don't translate them onto being posted on my page.

“I guess in the ‘Post it’ ‘Tweet it’ world; you almost kind of look abnormal if you don't. I guess it"s just not in my character to do it all the time, but i'm also getting better at my Instagram.

“At least you see my baby and all other stuff, (laughs). So I always say there is difference between privacy and secrecy, it's not something to hide. Again, I guess people forget that when you are in the entertainment industry, you also have to live a normal life,” she concluded.

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