Daily Devotion For Thursday November 10, 2016

Title : Looming Judgment

Text: EZEKIEL 9:1-11

Our discussion today is a dramatic biblical presentation of what judgment looks like. God has a fool- proof method of seeking out the unrepentant wicked from those who do His bidding.

Most times, He offers graphic symbolism to address us and warn that it is impossible for incorrigible sinners to go unpunished.Here, the prophet reveals the vision of Jerusalem in the day of judgment. Six angelic warriors were dispatched to bring the wrath of the Almighty on the city for her wrongdoings and idolatry. One armed warrior was tasked to first set a mark on the righteous people who were not part of the transgressors and idol-worshipping multitude and have been interceding for them.Then the five other angels were assigned to unleash terror on both the young and old, children and women of the city without pity.

This vision may be a prophecy of the looming destruction and captivity of Jerusalem as God's response to her sin and rebellion. But it is a vivid depiction of the final judgment on mankind. God is noticing those interceding for this sinful world. He is observing those carrying out the Great Commission with strong faith in the Lord, who are not giving up winning souls despite their challenges. His eyes are also on those who turn deaf ears to the preaching of the Cross. The great God has a record of the affairs of all men and women.

None can hide from Him (Psalm 139:5,11,12). Our knowledge of the ramification of this vision encourages missionaries, intercessors and soul-winners not to be discouraged as they criss-cross land and sea to take the gospel to "every creature...in all nations". God is distinguishing them out as His children heading for Heaven and on whom no evil can fall.

Thought for the day: Intercede for sinners and secure Jesus' intervention in the day of trouble.

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