Khloe Kardashian Replied Donald Trump for calling her‘fat piglet’

The third Kardashian sister was on The Celebrity Apprentice back in 2009, and apparently Donald Trump , who was the shows host at the time hated her being there.

Just last week, The Huffington Post reported that sources had revealed that Trump made nasty remarks about her. He reportedly said ‘What is this? We cant even get the hot one?’( obviously referring to her big sister Kim)‘Why dont we fire Khloe? She is a fat piglet. Why did we get the ugly Kardashian?’

Khloe, who revealed earlier this year that her mom had practically forced her to appear on the show and she’d ‘hated every minute of it , has never hidden her dislike of the presidential candidate, and while promoting her ‘Good American’ denim line told The Times that she was shocked at the comments.

She said :
‘I didn’t think he was saying those things about me,” she said. “But he says those comments about a lot of women – really derogatory things. Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country.’

‘Its not cool or appropriate for any person, male or female, to judge someone else by their looks,’ she continued. ‘I find it really cruel. It’s wild.‘Im a tough cookie, so something that he said — that’s not gonna bother me,’ she said.

‘Ninety percent of the time, criticism doesnt bother me. Im not sure why. I think Im just in my own world. But I believe thats why those incidents happen to me, because I can take it. If thats what it takes to get even just this little group of people to realize how shady and bad and negative that one person is, I can take it. She said.

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