Chaos As A River In Russia Turns Blood Red

Residents of a Russian city inside the Arctic Circle have been posting photos of a local river that has mysteriously turned blood red.

Photos published on Russian social media appear to the show the Daldykan River near the city of Norilsk has been flowing with its water red.

Russian authorities are yet to establish a reason for the rivers unusual appearance, but local people quickly linked it to a giant metals plant upstream.

Norilsk is known as one of the most polluted cities on earth, built around factories mostly belonging to the vast metals company.

Some Norilsk residents wrote in a local social media group that they believed the rivers biblical shade is linked to runoff from a nearby smelting plant.

Some suggested the color was being produced by wastewater mixed with mineral ore leaking into the river from the Hope Metals Plant.

The posts prompted Russia’s Environment Ministry to respond, issuing a statement announcing that it is investigating and that preliminary information suggests the cause was a leak from waste pipes belonging to Norilsk Nickel.

A resident of the town also said“In winter, the snows also red....

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