Daily Devotion - 16/Oct/2016


Key Verse:
"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22,23).

"If you complain that you do not have shoes, think of those who do not have legs!" This is the advice often given to those who often complain of lack. Truly, nothing stops us from being in a worse situation than we are now, but for the mercies of God. This is why we should always give thanks in the midst of any situation we find ourselves. Before now, prophet Jeremiah had lamented over all that had befallen Jerusalem. He also cried for all he had suffered personally from the people because of his involvement in the prophetic ministry. However, he still had reasons to thank God. In fact, he testified that were it not for the mercies of God, the nation would have been in a far worse situation. So, instead of continuing to muse and mourn over their predicaments, he admonished them to give thanks. Jeremiah's attitude and resolve should be a challenge to everyone. We must learn to stop complaining about our seeming unfortunate lots and losses in life and learn to give thanks to God for His preserving mercies. Think about it, what hope is there for the dead? As long as we have life, we still have hope. So, if the Lord has shown us enough mercy, keeping us alive to still have hope, how we need to give thanks, notwithstanding our present predicament. Beyond this, God has given Himself to Christians as their portion.This means that as long as believers have God, they have all they can ever need. If you truly understand this, then there won't be the need to worry or fret over what you have or what you don't have. God's faithfulness and mercies The Bible cannot run out as they are new every morning. This is enough reason to keep our faith in God and give thanks always.
Thought for the day: Better to count your blessing than to enumerate your losses.

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